Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow day schmoe day

As if being cooped up inside wasn't hard enough, it seems the vicious stomach bug has latched on to my son. So while sitting here holding Mr. Pukey Pants I've decided to take the opportunity to catch up on some blogging, all the while wishing it wasn't so cold so we could open a window! Me + the smell of vomit does not equal success. 

I'm struggling lately to fit in any adequate cardio. The weather conditions have been too harsh to get out and run, and there has been too much going on during the day to make it to the gym.  I feel myself softening up and it's driving me crazy!!! I've worked too hard to let this month full of chocolates and wine and icy snow defeat me! What to do, what to do.....

First I need to stop shoving crap in my mouth. Valentines weekend was glorious and the food was amazing! But it's over and time to get myself back on track. I love salads, my kids will tell you I eat them every day. However I need something different to break me free of this carb-coma I'm hiding in. I want something new. I found a couple of ideas on Pinterest that I'm going to make today.  My plan is to get myself recharged from the inside out. 
Boil eggs, scoop out the yolk and fill with hummus?
Spicy cauliflower 'hot wings' sound amazing too...
Slice avocado and tomato, wheat bread and pepperjack cheese sounds amazing!!

I want to share with you my 'before' picture that was taken a year ago compared to now. I still have a lot of work to do. I'm feeling a little derailed today but sitting here on my duff, holding my sickly one has to be priority just a little while longer. Hopefully this will pass quickly and I can get is back to 100% soon. Enjoy your day folks!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hey there :)

Please excuse the mess! I’m trying to configure a new layout and make my spot a little snazzier =) But…. When I only get about 5 minutes a day to dedicate to it, the new sass is taking a while.  Hopefully this hasn’t distorted the content and you’ve still been able to read my posts clearly.  It shouldn’t take much longer to figure out exactly what I want it to look like, and thanks for your patience!  

I’m happy to say I finally got over all the crap that was weighing me down last week.  The flu is absolutely rotten!


Have you ever had a veggie burger?  I know there are lots of options and homemade ones are hard to beat, however if you’re in a hurry and convenience is your primary focus, I would recommend these lil burgers.  I’m not a vegetarian by any means, but I am pretty picky about the quality of meat we have and most of the time I really  prefer these for lunch so I’m not weighed down all afternoon (I also love the spicy black bean burger).  Slice up avocado, some tomatoes and fresh baby spinach and throw it on there. Yummmmmy!

Hit the gym pretty hard today on our lunch hour.  I despise the treadmill, but since it was snowing outside, I dealt with it =) I tried this interval workout and L-O-V-E-D it! I worked up quite a sweat.  The intervals are just short enough that you don’t realize how fast the time is passing (bonus!!)