Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How about those running shoes?

Over the past year I have spent an embarrassing amount of money on running shoes.  In my  mind, I felt like the cost was well worth it.  I would go to the store, try on every shoe in the place and leave each time with a big smile on my face and bag in hand.  (New running shoes make me happier than a woodpecker in a lumber yard!!) It wasn’t until recently did it come to my attention that I had been doing it all wrong.  The first red flag should have been going through three pairs of Nike’s in less than 6 months.  Even with all the miles I’ve logged, that’s not a normal shoe turnover rate.   Another red flag…. Pain.  I kept thinking I had blown the support in my shoes, which was causing my foot and ankle to hurt.   But that stubborn voice in the back of my head kept saying no pain, no gain.  So determined, I would keep on keepin on. 


Now let me tell you about the happy end to this story…. I discovered a business by the name of The Run Around.  If you are anywhere close to Joplin, MO and have any desire to walk or run as your main source of exercise, no wait, if you ever plan on lacing up a pair of tennis shoes for anyreason… check this place out! They provide the epitome of customer service.  They took the time to listen to what I was into, had my try on multiple styles of shoes and run on a treadmill that recorded my stride, measured my foot and helped me find the most perfect fitting shoe.  I have to admit I thought I already knew what there was to know about running shoes.  Turns out I knew nothing at all =)  First of all I had been squeezing my foot into a shoe that was entirely too small.  All this time I thought that shoes need to be snug, tight, to ‘support’ my ankles.   Instead this was causing bunions and the pain I had mentioned earlier.  The correct shoe needs to have lots of room inside for my foot to not feel constricted.   I loved how they took the time to show me the recording of how my legs/ankles looks while I was running.  I could see firsthand the trouble areas I needed to work on.  The shoe expert (I’ll refrain from calling him a salesman, because that word is attached to negativity and he was absolutely the opposite!) helped me understand the different muscles I need to strengthen and adjustments I need to make in my running life.  It was truly a breath of fresh air to go into a business and feel like my satisfaction was top priority. 


You probably might think this kind of service racks up a pretty big price tag.  Nope! I didn’t pay any more for these shoes that are basically custom fit for ME than I would at any other athletic shoe retailer.  I can’t say enough good things about this company!  I am forever devoted to buying my shoes there the rest of my life =)  When I think about the damage I’ve probably already done to my knees and ankles by running in the wrong shoes, it makes me a little gloomy.  After all, I run to promote longevity, I want to live a long, healthy life.  But what good is living a long time if it hurts to walk?? The right shoe is the most important piece of attire you can put on your body to run.  I was a little stubborn, and sometimes justified buying the cheap ones.  But if you’re hurting, you’re not going to want to keep going.  And the only way to see changes is to keep going.  Check.  Them.  Out!  You won’t be disappointed =)  In other news, it’s SPRING!!!! Hope you’re getting out there and enjoying that sunshine!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Am I gonna make it??

Whoever said being a parent was the hardest job on the planet knew exactly what they were talking about.  Of course, I’m sure that wise person was a woman 😉There are just some days that I want to crawl into a dark corner, tuck myself into the fetal position and cry.  I love my kids SO much.  My heart literally is overwhelmed with my devotion to them and there isn’t a minute of this day that goes by that they aren’t on my mind.  They are my family, my reason for waking up every day and though they are small, they are my rock. 


Every day is pretty unpredictable.  Sure, we know the plans for the day…. Wake up, school, practice, bedtime at 8; that’s concrete.  However mix in four different personalities, two of which are pre-teen and emotionally erratic, and that concrete can turn to sand.  No amount of parenting classes or books could have ever prepared me for this.    Each one of my children is completely unique.  Their talents, strengths and weaknesses are all completely different from each other.  What I have found works to motivate my oldest child doesn’t even phase the second, and certainly not my third.  It’s like a constant  battle of wits on my part to stay ahead of the parenting game.  I can’t even honestly say it is getting easier as they get older.  When they were 2, 3 and 4 years old I considered that the hardest time of my life.  Juggling diapers, pull-ups, potty training, sippy cups, carseats, temper-tantrums – at that time I looked about as frazzled as one human can possibly be.  And every day I kept it together with the hope that they would get older, more independent, and life would get easier. 


Well, I was wrong.  But that’s ok,  I wouldn’t trade a second of it if I could.  The lessons from our most difficult struggles are some of the most influential moments of my life.  I genuinely believe that those points in life where you crack, those meltdowns, that is where strength grows from.  That being said, today I did some more growing ☺️ I’m at a point in the year where there are a lot of projects, tons of deadlines, programs, one kid needs ball pants, the other needs recital stuff, “by the way mom I don’t have any shoes that fit anymore.”  Laundry is piling up higher than the washer, the dog is ridiculously muddy, my brakes needed replaced like yesterday and those three adorable faces still keep demanding I feed them occasionally 😣 It can wear a person down. 


Sometimes when I’m venting to friends, I hear the same advice over and over again.  “Learn to say ‘no’ and you don’t have to be involved in everything.”  But it’s not that easy, and I think that’s why it’s so heavy on my heart to voice this today.  I am blessed with AMAZING friends who are wonderful parents and responsible and respectable, but they all have something in common: they’re married.  They may get frustrated with their husbands from time to time, but they still have that partner to team up with.  Now, let’s make sure my point is coming out clearly here.  I may not have chose the single life, and I am certainly capable of rocking it, but it is twice the workload and sometimes I just need that other adult to stand there and let me verbally vomit everything that’s built up.  People, the best thing in the world you can offer your single parent friend is an ear.  It’s not that I am signing my kids up for every sport, every type of lesson, involving myself purposely, well, maybe purposely, but for what purpose?  I love my kids and I want the community they’re growing up in to be the best it can be.  That requires my participation.   I will never be ok with just sitting back and complaining about how everyone else is influencing our town. I am passionate about community  activity.  Also, by involving them in one sport each gives them the opportunity to develop their talents, to shape their strengths which is only going to benefit them later in life.  I can’t hold them back from these learning experiences just because I’m a single parent.  So with that comes three times the practice, and three times the smelly clothes! 


So when we have mornings like we had today, the kind that everything seems to be going wrong and there are tears and raised voices and you’re a sobbing mess by the time you get to work because you feel like as the parent, there’s a hundred different things you could’ve done to prevent that situation.   You might beat yourself a bit.  Sometimes I feel like an absolute failure.  I’m even guilty of turning my car around on my way to work, driving back to the kid’s school and pulling them out of class just to give them a hug and a kiss and tell them that I love them.  That might not seem that ludicrous to those of you like me who never want to leave those you love on angry terms (you just never know if that’s the last time you will talk to them.)  But it’s not the end of the world and tomorrow will be a new day.  And I believe the most important thing you can do for your kids is to make them understand that they are loved.  The rest is just life and we are learning day by day, sometimes I’m not sure who’s teaching who more, but learning just the same.  So…. If ya’ll find that parenting manual with all the answers, be sure to hand it to me! Until then, happy hump day folks!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Age is just a number

I remember one time when I was a little girl my family got together to celebrate one of my aunt’s birthdays, her 30th to be exact.  I recall how completely and utterly astonished I was at the thought of someone being thirty.  It seemed so old.  I was just baffled.   Well wouldn’t you know it didn’t really take that long for that number to show up on my birthday cake.   More amusingly, I’m sitting here now going man that seemed so long ago.  But if I can say anything for certain about the big 3-0 and the years following it, it is that once you hurdle that milestone, the weight is SO much harder to lose.  I remember back in my twenties I could cut out carbs for one day and lose a pants size.  Not so much anymore…..


I have been dedicated for the past year to exercise 3-5 times a week and putting a stop to mindless eating.  An entire year of hard work, and I’m finally seeing the reward.  I know it gets frustrating when you are trying to lose weight.  When you first start cutting back on calories you feel hungry.  Especially if you are anything like I was and love drive-thru menus and pop.  Your body is going to throw the biggest temper tantrum when you chose to cut that out.  It’s going to suck.  No ‘ifs’ about it.  You just have to be prepared to fight that battle, and WANT to win it.  Focus on one day at a time and it will get easier.  Before you know it a week will be behind you, then another and another. 


It has been a long road, but for the first time in a long time I have something to celebrate.  I had to buy new pants this past weekend because all of mine were too big!! For the first time in nine years I’m comfortably wearing a size 6 pant!  Without a doubt if I can accomplish that, anyone can.  It’s been a daily work in progress.  By no means has any part of it been easy. 


Now that I have gone down 8 sizes since last year, I have a lot of loose skin.  I’ve decided to give these wraps a try to see if that can tighten up some of it.  I’ve heard a lot of great things about them.  I guess we shall see!

Friday, March 6, 2015


Yep.  I’ve got it.  I’m busting at the seams to get OUTSIDE and RUN.  I think if I could just have one day I could easily turn into a Forrest Gump of this little town.  I need fresh air - I need sunshine - I need to be sore.  Someone please help me find my momentum!  


Monday we are starting a weight-loss challenge in our office.  The seven of us have decided to compete against each other until May to see who can lose the biggest percentage.  This gets me all kinds of excited! Work is where I struggle the most with my eating habits.  Now that we will all be focused on the same goal, the temptations will be fewer and far between.  This game couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.  It is the perfect flame to light a fire under my duff!   I haven’t been completely comatose the past few weeks.   Something I’ve struggled with for years is morning workouts.  I am not a morning person.  But lately my commitment to community projects has kept me too busy in the evenings to fit in any normal routine, so I’ve forced myself to start getting up early and squeeze in some Insanity before I get ready for work.  Yes…  it’s been rough.  I have to set out all my clothes, shoes, water, etc the night before like I’m a kindergartner, I even put the disc in the DVD player so when I’m trying to convince myself the next morning that what I’m doing really is a good thing, all I have to do is push play before my inner sleep goddess changes her mind.   I even have to set my alarm on the other side of the room so I can’t just roll over an hit snooze.  It has been quite the process. 


But not only has it become easier, I think I’m actually starting to enjoy morning workouts!  (shhhhh….. let’s not get too overzealous!) Ok so truthfully I really do so much better throughout the day.  I have more energy, I feel I choose better snacks throughout the day, and I really do believe I’m putting more into my workout first thing in the morning, as opposed to night time when I’m already exhausted and just doing it to get the time in for the day.   Even though the nasty, cold, bitter weather is hanging on, I hope to continue this new effort until it becomes a habit.  My goal is as soon as the weather isn’t frigid, continue my morning workouts outside, hopefully even start running in the mornings. 


Since I really haven’t been burning a lot of calories lately I’ve been trying to cut down on the amount of carbs I’m ingesting.  Some of my favorite snacks the past two weeks have been celery, cucumber, carrots and rice cakes.  Dipping the veggies in a little bit of hummus keeps it flavorful and less blah.


I’ve been eating a lot of sweet potatoes sautéed with green onions, green peppers and black beans.   Or quinoa mixed with just about any vegetable I can get my hands on!


Blueberries have been at the top of my list too, mostly because of the antioxidants they pack.  We have had a lot of contact with sick germs lately and I just feel better if we’re vamping our immune system. 


Enjoy the weekend! I’ll be back in full force Monday with a new attack plan to win this office challenge! It’s time to get myself past this plateau baby! Peace out✌️


Give up, give in or give it all you've got

There’s that moment in your life when you go through something that changes you in such a way that you can never go back to the person you were before.  I’m there.  That’s where I am.  How can I possibly compile all the thoughts surging through my hyper-active brain into words capable of being understood……. We can get so sure of ourselves.  So certain we know what we want.  We make our five year plan and we grow up, set our sights on the goal and we work our butts off to succeed.  Then life throws us a classic curve ball and in an instant we have to decide how to swing. 


I had the ultimate pleasure of spending some time last weekend with one of the most amazing couples I’ve ever met.  I wish I could tell you everything about their love story! It’s a beautiful tale;  enticing, romantic and full of adventure.  Two people who met at what could’ve been the most diverse walks of life, he was 36, she was 19, but yet they are soul mates.  Working a ranch side by side throughout their entire marriage, doing everything together, companions through it all.  He can sit down with you today after over 35 years of marriage and still tell you exactly what she was wearing the first time he saw her.  The look in their eyes when you ask them about the other is pure affection, even when they’re taunting one another.    Incredible.   Then the curve ball.




We all face storms.  We all experience panic.  One sentence of bad news can corrode our confidence.  No one could have prepared me for the emotions I would feel spending time with them.   Listening to the fascinating stories of their life, seeing all the pictures, watching them relive their most cherished memories with smiles and laughs, and then watch the elephant in the room steal those smiles.  You could literally see the light go out of their eyes and replaced with pain,  fear, then anger.  How could this happen to such an amazing, devoted pair?  He told me during one of our tear jerking heart-to-hearts that throughout their entire relationship, they’ve only spent five nights apart from each other… ever.  And now he is having to face losing his very best friend to that ugly monster.  Watching the love of his life crumble right before his eyes.  It’s excruciatingly painful to see, and I don’t have the time invested that they do, so I can’t even fathom what their hearts must be feeling. 


I needed some time to think, to process.  I think I fell in love with this couple because they have absolutely everything I want out of life.  The farm life, the companionship in everything, and finding that one person who truly gets me.  The trouble is, you think you have time.  You are going to live a life filled with good and terrible moments.  Cancer teaches you to treasure each moment, give love freely and discover a deeper faith.  But is there any amount of planning that can prepare you for something like that? I don’t know whether to completely shut off my feelings from caring too deeply about another human being again, for fear of having to hurt as deeply as they’re hurting at the thought of losing each other, or to throw caution to the wind and just love as hard and profoundly for fear of wasting precious moments.   My system is shocked.  I will never look at life the same, and for that I am thankful.